THINGS TO do in ANN ARBOR WITH A baby OR toddler

I want to thank Anna Mae Trievel from Ann Arbor with kids for sharing her favorite things to finish with a baby or toddler in Ann Arbor, MI. Anna Mae created her website as a resource when her own daughter was two-years old. now it spans from birth through the tween years.

Deep Waters Sculpture at university of Michigan | photo by Kim Haskins

When my husband and I first moved to Ann Arbor we had no idea it was such a family-friendly town. After our daughter was born, I began to compile a list of all of the fun family-friendly activities around town; eventually I shared this growing list beyond just my friends and created Ann Arbor with Kids.

Whether you are an Ann Arbor local or are just visiting, here are some fantastic activities to delight in with your baby or toddler!

Things to do in Ann Arbor Michigan with a baby or toddler

Attend an Ann Arbor library Event

The Ann Arbor district library is a great resource for activities for babies and toddlers. My daughter and I loved their baby Playgroups which are provided each weekday (4 morning sessions and one evening session) for babies from birth through 24 months.

They also offer 8 Preschool Storytimes each week on Tuesdays through Fridays for kids ages 2-5. In addition to their weekly programming, the libraries offer special programs for kids such as dancing Babies, KinderConcerts (in conjunction with the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra), just Babies, and first six Months.

Visit an Ann Arbor Museum

The Ann Arbor Hands-On museum is a fun day out for families. Their dedicated Preschool Gallery provides a ideal exploration zone for kids. The newly redesigned water area is amazing (pictured up top). While there are smocks to help keep clothes dry, a spare pair of shoes may be helpful for big splashers.

The university of Michigan also has several museums including the museum of natural History, museum of Art, and Kelsey museum of Archaeology. the best choice for toddlers is the museum of natural history to see the dinosaurs.

Explore an Ann Arbor Park

Ann Arbor certainly lives up to its Tree town nickname with the number of parks around town. It seems like there is a park in practically every neighborhood. Gallup Park is located on the banks of the Huron River and provides the chance to walk along the river and also to feed the ducks and geese at the youth fishing Pond. However, due to the proximity of the playground to the river, this is not the park to take a “runner.”

My favorite toddler playground is just outside the city limits at Pittsfield Township’s Lillie Park. Their small play structure is just best for little legs and the ideal height for adults to offer a steadying hand.

In addition, the Ann Arbor Parks department operates 3 outdoor pools during the summer months. Each weekday morning one or much more of the pools provides a tot splash time for children up to age 7. during Tot Splash, only the tot pool is open while the main pool is used for swim lessons, swim team, or adult lap swim.

Meet animals in Ann Arbor

Not only does Ann Arbor have a lot of park options, there are plenty of opportunities to interact with animals. Leslie science & Nature center provides monthly Nature Tales (ages 1-5) programs. Their critter house is also open many weekends. They also bring their animals to the Ann Arbor Hands-On museum monthly for Critters Up Close.

The creature Conservancy has open grounds from 10a-6p daily and provides animal greetings indoors on Saturdays.

If you want to see even much more animals, the Toledo Zoo and the Detroit Zoo are both about an hour drive from Ann Arbor. The Toledo Zoo provides Nature’s neighborhood which is a great children’s section that includes a stream that kids can wade in (weather pending), petting animals, and indoor activities.

Play indoors in Ann Arbor

The Briarwood mall play area is ideal for toddlers and, as a reward for parents, provides outlets and USB ports for device charging. With the mall’s 2013 renovations, they made the mall much more family friendly by adding nursing rooms, family restrooms, and high chairs to the center court.

Attend a downtown Ann Arbor Event

Throughout the year, there are various events in the main street area of Ann Arbor that are ideal for families. Ann Arbor summer Festival’s top of the Park runs from mid June through early July. With live music, kids activities, and late night outdoor movies, it is a ideal spot for an outdoor dinner or to spend an hour or two after dinner.

Additionally, there are a number of one day events that are held in downtown Ann Arbor. one of the best for babies and toddlers is the main street treat Parade on Halloween (or the previous Friday when Halloween falls on a weekend). kids are invited to trick or treat at the stores and restaurants on main Street. other popular downtown festivals with kids include FestiFools, Rolling Sculpture car Show, and Taste of Ann Arbor.

FormularzUch więcej wydarzeń w Ann Arbor Beyond Um, koniecznie odwiedź kalendarz Ann Arbor z Kids Events; Możesz także odfiltrować listę zdarzeń, aby znaleźć najlepsze wycieczki dla niemowląt lub małych dzieci.

Chcemy podziękować Annie Mae za jej sugestie dla Ann Arbor. Anna Mae Trievel i jej mąż są rodzicami 9 -letniej córki. Anna Mae zaczęła opracowywać listę wydarzeń rodzinnych Ann Arbor w 2008 roku dla jej rodziny i przyjaciół, i rozkwitła w fantastyczną stronę dla rodziców. W 2011 roku, kiedy jej córka rozpoczęła szkołę podstawową, zmieniła się z dziećmi na witrynę Ann Arbor i rozszerzyła koncentrację strony, obejmując wydarzenia dla dzieci za pośrednictwem Tweens.

[Wszystkie zdjęcia oferowane przez Annę Mae Trievelâ, z wyjątkiem pierwszej University of Michigan i ostatniego Aahom, Ann Arbor Hands on Museum]

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