Pregnancy testing for Paternity and baby gender

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There are a number of prenatal tests available which can determine baby gender or establish the paternity of the unborn child – this might be nothing new to you. but are you aware that science now offers the possibility of carrying out prenatal tests in a totally safe and non invasive way? 

Discovering the sex of your baby

Is it a baby boy or a baby girl? You might be tempted to opt for some of the at home tests one read about online, perhaps the Chinese calendar or the cabbage test. These tests are fun, can be done at home and are pretty easy to do. However, it must be added that they have no scientific backing whatsoever. This means you might want to give it a thought before telling all your eager family you are expecting a baby girl, painting the bedroom pink or rushing out to buy baby girl clothes. It might after, be a boy. 

What about blood tests for baby gender?

It is possible to establish the gender of the unborn baby with a simple blood sample. This test is a fairly accurate DNA test but puts people off as it required the expectant mum to prick her own finger in order to collect blood. Pricking of the finger is done by means of a lancet (a needle-like tool). The drops of blood are collected on filter paper and then sent for analysis. 

Urine for baby gender Testing

The most accurate DNA test to date is in fact a baby gender test which relies on maternal urine offered by easyDNA. The sample is collected by you, the expectant mother, at around 9 weeks and then sent for laboratory analysis. Scientists analyse the baby DNA found in the maternal urine sample provided. 

But how does baby DNA find its way into the maternal urine? Well, essentially the placenta is a point of constant exchange of nutrients between the mother and the baby. Fetal DNA cells, just like any other cells, die and get replaced with new cells. The dead cells enter the mother’s blood stream, flow to the kidneys and get expelled from the body with the maternal urine. This baby gender test with maternal urine is 99% accurate and has been validated by a number of studies. 

Prenatal Paternity Testing: The safe way

As any expectant mother, you would have the safety and well being of your baby at heart. traditional methods of prenatal sampling such amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling have certain innate risks, the worst one being miscarriage. Moreover, these tests are done under local anesthetic, require OBGYN assistance and have side effects. many pregnant mothers are very reluctant to undergo amniocentesis or CVS simply because of all these issues.

But what if you came across a prenatal test for paternity that can be done with only a maternal blood sample? A quick online search will yield many results of studies from advanced laboratories and top universities. Fetal DNA analysis in maternal blood samples is successfully being used to determine fetal genetic health and paternity in a way that is 100% risk free. pregnant mothers can have their minds at rest.

In the case of paternity testing, a kit is sent to the expectant mother containing blood collection tubes. The blood samples need to be collected by a person qualified to do so. once they have been collected they can be sent off for analysis. The result of this test is 99.9% accurate. It worth giving a serious thought and reading up on this test should you be contemplating it.

O tym autorze:

Karl McDonald is a writer specializing in the field of DNA testing. areas of particular interest include prenatal tests and scientific advances within this area, especially related to autoimmune diseases, genetic diseases and fetal health. The author frequently contributes to a number of blogs and info websites.

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